For Darfur... For Life
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For Darfur... For Life

For Darfur Inc. is a non-profit organization, started to help raise both awareness and funds in order to help the people suffering in Darfur.

For Darfur was created by five high school students who realized that Darfur needed more help than it is currently being given. The creators of For Darfur promise to help the people suffering in Darfur and pledge that all proceeds from For Darfur events will go to help the people being tortured and executed in Darfur.


Mission Statement:

Whether the conflict in Darfur ends five years from now or tomorrow, innocent victims will still need critical medical assistance on a continuing basis. Sadly, it is children and the elderly who make up the majority of those suffering and dying.

Our goal in working directly with Doctors Without Borders is to help alleviate the immediate medical crisis. Through fundraising and increasing public awareness, we can assist the people of this region on their way to recovery. By doing this, we also create hope for the future, not only for Darfur, but for all of us.

Together we can make a real difference... Please join us.


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