For Darfur... For Life
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General Info

History of the Darfur Conflict

The starting point of the conflict in the Darfur region is typically said to be 26 February 2003, when a group calling itself the Darfur Liberation Front (DLF) publicly claimed credit for an attack on Golo, the headquarters of Jebel Marra District. Even prior to this attack, however, a conflict had erupted in Darfur, as rebels had already attacked police stations, army outposts and military convoys, and the government had engaged in a massive air and land assault on the rebel stronghold in the Marrah Mountains.

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Video: Death In Darfur

For Darfur™ in conjunction with Vector International Pictures (vipictures.com) presents the avant premiere of Producer/Director Mohamed Hassan's feature documentary, DEATH IN DARFUR - THE TRUTH.

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