For Darfur... For Life
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Who Is For Darfur?

Kids Helping Other Kids

Part of the tragedy in Darfur is the large number of children affected by the ongoing conflict. In fact, children make up 50 percent of Darfur's population. This single fact struck a chord with the For Darfur American teens, and prompted them to develop a plan to help other children in a far-away county. Through events like the concerts, they hope to reach other kids in Florida and around the country who will join the effort.


The For Darfur Founding Teens

All of the founders attend or attended Saint Andrew's School in Boca Raton, Florida:


Gabriel Schillinger is a college freshman and the executive director of For Darfur. "I first became interested in the subject in ninth grade. I wanted to figure out what I could do personally to make a difference and to get young people involved. It is time that our generation starts to change the world."


Kayle Gishen is a college freshman, and in charge of technology and multimedia for the group. "Why should we wait to give back to the community, when we can give before we take. It's even better if we give to a community that does not directly affect us."


Grant Dubler is a college sophomore and in charge of the financial and legal aspects for the group. "It occurred to me that most of my friends knew nothing about the situation beyond the name "Darfur". What we are doing is spreading the word."


Matthew Teper is a college sophomore and head of promotions and public relations. "I was amazed to find out how much more was out there than what I heard on the news. I felt that we needed to get people involved, and hopefully our events will motivate other young people."


George Merck is a college freshman and is focused on fundraising and sponsorships. "This is such a great cause, and with all of the motivated young people in our area, how difficult could it be to have them working on this? What greater service to the world community can be done than saving innocent lives?"


Clea Stone is a college freshman and is in charge of the video promotions, including a final documentary of the group and their activities. "I am so excited to work with this amazing group and to use film to raise awareness about this crisis."


James Sunshine is a senior. He works with George Merck on fundraising.


Corey Saft is a college freshman who manages finances.


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