For Darfur... For Life
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Why Darfur?

A Neglected Atrocity of Astronomical Proportions

Imagine as a child that you had to sleep on a floor mat in the dirt in a tiny little space, with no running water or electricity, and millions of other people existing the same way all around you. What's more, imagine that you are starving or dying from an illness and enduring the constant fear of roaming militias and airplanes flying above, knowing that you could be raped, bombed or shot at any time. This is how life is for the people of Darfur - the statistics speak for themselves:

  • More than 200,000 people have been killed.
  • Two and a half million innocent civilians have been forced to flee their homes and are now living in refugee camps.
  • Many of the refugees are orphaned children.
  • Another 3.5 million civilians in the Sudan face the possibility of displacement, rape, torture and mass slaughter.
  • More than 1,000 people per month are dying of starvation, disease and murder.


The Choice to Help

Sudan, the Darfur region in particular, is a country in complete chaos due to the convoluted and violent conflict among the Arabs, the non-Arabs, and a variety of other militia each with its own goals and agendas. There are only two ways to help the people caught in the middle of this conflict. One way is to initiate an international level of interference to help establish a structured system of security. The other, which is more immediate and feasible on an individual and group level, is to supply massive amounts of humanitarian aid in the form of food, water and medical attention. That is why For Darfur has selected Doctors Without Borders as their conduit to provide instant relief on a large scale.


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